
Meat, Part. 2

Dan, my cousin-in-law who is the lawyer, informed me that the server at the burger chain lied to me when they told me it was against the law in Washington State to serve me a burger cooked medium rare.

Here is his lawyerly opinion:

"there is a law that says the temperature that meat is supposed to be cooked at is 155 degrees, but that it can be changed if the place serving it uses 'an approved plan' that has a different cooking temperature with a corresponding time. So, in a nutshell, they lied to you. If they weren’t lazy and/or incompetent, they could have a plan in place that would allow for a burger cooked at medium rare. Those bastards."

I am now soliciting plaintiffs for my class action lawsuit against the freedom-haters who try to tell me how to cook my meat. I already found one guy to sign on.

I think this really gets to the heart of of our democratic system. That's why I am starting a movement to draft Mayor McCheese to be ruler of the world.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to the GrubSteak in San Francisco at 1:00am last night on Pine near Polk and I got a medium rare hamburger that was so freakin' red it was rare and I LOVED IT! That burger rocked. This place stays open till 4 am and I highly reccomend it. Except you gotta contned with a few drunks trying to sober up with some meat.

2:23 PM  

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